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Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19

 Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19 Opening 18.April


Advertisment Spots 2$ a Day
AsgardMu S19P1-3 X50 NORESET Opening 26.APRIL
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April
ShiningMu S19P1-3 X50 18.April S19P1-3 X1000 Opening 9.February
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April
Reviews For ArchangelMU x3000 OCTOBER 2
Dmitry (01-10-2021, 11:29)

Game Experience: Over a Year

Can't wait till its open!!!! I haven't had this much fun playing the same game over the last few years. I don't like any other server than this one! It's not overcrowded, yet plenty of active players. It's not too slow-paced yet not too easy. This season 9 with modified features, bugfixes and custom updates is perfect for the classic MuOnline gamer but on top of it, there are new things to discover not to make this experience too predictable. If you're like me who's bored of S6 but thinks that everything above S9 is not Mu anymore, then you've come across the right server
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