Yesterday 560 People voted IN, and 1218 people clicked on advertisements!
Yesterday 560 People voted IN, and 1218 people clicked on advertisements!

Austria | Mu Online Private Servers Toplist

Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19

 Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19 Opening 18.April


Advertisment Spots 1$ a Day
AsgardMu S19P1-3 X50 NORESET Opening 26.APRIL
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April
ShiningMu S19P1-3 X50 18.April S19P1-3 X1000 Opening 9.February
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April


Season 2 x50 
wow-cms is a group of web developers who in their free time are dedicated to creating, managing and maintaining cms for the growing community of online games.


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