Yesterday 1640 People voted IN, and 1080 people clicked on advertisements!

Advertisments OF Best Mu Online Private servers

Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19

 Shiningmu Mu Online Season 19 Opening 18.April


Advertisment Spots 2$ a Day
AsgardMu S19P1-3 X50 NORESET Opening 26.APRIL
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April
ShiningMu S19P1-3 X50 18.April
OPEN TEST S19P1-3 - RESET X150 Opening 26.APRIL - Hunting Style S19P1-3 X1000 Opening 9.February
MUPeace S19p1-3 X5000 5.April

How it works !

MuOnline.US - Is topsite that lists most popular mu online private servers from season 1 till latest season 16!

Ranking of pages are done according to the number of votes in by a site each month.

A 'vote' occurs when a person clicks on the voting link on a site's page, types correct captcha and then clicks on 'Vote' button. Next correct vote from same user can be accepted in 12 Hours! Advanced anti-cheating measures are taken in order to ensure the lists remain free of cheaters.

Every month last day 23.59 (GMT +2), we reset the number of votes in / out.

 Also we provide our users with callback api for checking if your users are really voting.

You can request you players to add they account name, or character name, and .txt file will that data will be show to you.

Project includes mu online guides where players can find guides for crafting/characters and everything else! We are allways lookign for good guides creators, if you are interested please contant us on our FB page with PM!


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